
Archive for the ‘Couples Nude Photography’ Category

Well, it’s 2018.  Wow, I can’t believe that it’s been 18 years since we all thought it was going to be the end of the world – 2000.  I can remember all of the preparations we had made to be ready for all the computer systems to start failing because of the date changes that would occur in Y2K.   People on standby, system engineers babysitting systems, backups galore.  But at midnight it was BAU.  Yeah, there were a few hiccups, but nothing that would bring down civilization as we know it.  Just change. But people fear change and often build imaginary issues to resist it.

I resisted closing my studio location for almost a year as I kept seeing the economy and technology bring down the amount of clients and increase the cost of doing business.  Not only that, but it appears that people today don’t care about actual photos and the quality of them.  Most people are content with selfies done on their phones.  Very few actually print the images either.  And, yes, phones are getting better and their images are too.  And software (apps) are making even the worst of photos presentable.  Getting professional photos taken are a waste of money in many peoples eyes. So where does this leave the professionals?  What are people willing to pay for professional photos for?  Where are they looking for a professional to take photos and in what media are they hoping to get the images?  All good questions.  But probably not easy answers.  For instance, weddings.  Wedding photographers are still in demand.  People are willing to spend money on them.  But they are only willing to spend less and the medium has changed in many ways.  Prints?  Not many.  Digital albums and video are becoming more popular.  And if they can easily be transferred to instagram, Facebook, and twitter, the better.

I worry about today’s memories.  In the past we printed everything and put it in a book that we can look at even if we don’t have power.  We can see our past memories and not worry about a disk crashing.   From my interactions with people I’d have to say that most don’t back up any of their moments. When their phone goes “belly up” they lose their past.   And with the speed of technology today, even the backups need to be backed up on the latest technology to endure the effects of time and the discontinuance of older technology.  Such a shame in my “old” opinion.   So, where does this lead us?  What does the future look like?  Is there a place for the past?  Do we just live for the moment  and only for a moment, then the moment’s gone?  I really don’t know, but I’m glad I grew up in an age where memories were important, where technology was not the focus in our lives, where we went outdoors to play and use OUR imaginations and not those of some coder who wants us to live in their imaginary world.  We got dirty, we made pretend items, we had fun.

In my opinion, the world of photography is going down the same path.  Photography as an art is becoming a product of technology and not just ability.  Snap something on your phone, run it through an app, and even Ansel Adams would be amazed with the results.  His zone system incorporated through 1’s and 0’s to perfection and without even a slight thought.   The resulting “art” joyously received by the masses on social media and the “photographer” acclaimed as a master of the craft.   Sigh…

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It’s been almost 2 months since I closed my studio location.  In that time I’ve had several location shoots and they seem to be working out just fine.

I’m still looking for an inexpensive studio to rent when I need one. Or to find a photographer who is in the same boat as I am and who is willing to split the cost of a small studio location.  Ideally it would be a small warehouse.  Somewhere that could fit a car in it if needed.  Or it could be a large room in an office park.  Either will work just as long as it’s clean, comfortable, and safe.  My budget would be $425 per month, but if another photographer wanted to split the rent we could get something around $600 per month and both be under budget.  It would be great if we both shot different venues of photography.  I’d refer to them for their venues and they could refer to me for mine.  A win-win.

Well, enough rambling about a studio.  Right now with the holidays in full swing, it’s a good time to get your special holiday photos taken.  This year make the present something special – a boudoir photo album.  Get some great deals in the next two weeks by contacting me at mark@casualelegancephotography.com or visiting my website (casualelegancephotography.com) and sending me a message from there.

Best way to contact you

Type Shoot you are interested in


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While we are at the beach this year I realized how much I miss the opportunity to shoot at the beach.  I saw several photo sessions where, if I lived closer, they could be something that I did as part of Casual ElegancePhotography.  I love using the natural setting of the beach as a backdrop for romantic images.  This is especially true now that I will be closing my studio due to a downturn in business (too many “photographers” offering no cost shoots and the lack of discretionary funds for consumers).  I still plan to keep Casual Elegance Photography open, but I will concentrate on location shoots rather than studio shoots.  The location shoots can be at a hotel, outdoors, a rented studio, or at homes, but they will still have the same lighting and quality as the shoots I do at my studio.  I’ve built a “portable studio” lighting key that I can transport, setup, and breakdown quickly and easily.  I even have portable backdrops if necessary.  It’s going to be sad to leave the studio I’ve had for the past 9 years, but economically it’s the right thing to do.  I’ll sell or dispose of many of the props I have at the studio and put the rest in a storage place until I can sort out exactly what I need to do with them.  When I downsized a few years ago I had really reduced the amount of “stuff” I had, so now it won’t be as hard to downsize again.

So if you are thinking of a shoot at my studio, the time to do it is NOW.  From now until mid September I will be doing shoots at my studio.  So contact me today and get your appointment scheduled.



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Boudoir photography at Casual Elegance Photography ® is not “your grandmother’s boudoir”. Gone are the days of too much makeup and uncomfortable looking poses. We create beautiful, natural looking poses that not only look comfortable, they are comfortable, and they work well for a variety of body types, making every woman look and feel beautiful and sexy. This instantly puts our clients at ease when they see their photographs pop up on the computer screen as we shoot!

Our studio is comfortable and the shooting environment is not only relaxed, but focused completely on our clients. Our goal is to make them look and feel fabulous without that outdated “overdone” look that many boudoir photographers produced years ago. We want them to look real. Really beautiful, really comfortable, really sexy!

Woman have many of different reasons that they want to do boudoir photographs. The reason we hear the most: “I just want to give myself a present – something to make me feel good about ME!”
So who are today’s boudoir clients? You would be SO surprised – we’ve had brides to be, school teachers, harried mothers of several children who just wanted to pamper themselves and feel glamorous for a day, we’ve had wives of servicemen, women serving in the armed forces, grandmothers, and yes, even wives of clergy! Every woman wants to look and feel beautiful!

Our clients range in age all the way from their 20’s to their 60’s. Yes, we’ve had many clients in their 50’s and 60’s. They come in with the attitude that after years of wanting to do it, they are going to go for the gusto!!

Check out our website for some samples of  boudoir at Casual Elegance. If you are still hesitant about “taking the plunge” be sure to read our client testimonials!



Atlanta’s Finest in Boudoir and Nude Photography – Casual Elegance Photography!

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After a recent shoot I received a call from a client who had posed nude for the first time.  She wanted to relate her experience to me so that I could tell others how she felt.  Here is a summary of the shoot and what she said about it.

She was very nervous at first.  She wasn’t sure that she could actually take all of her clothes off.  Since we do the artistic nudes first, she said that her heart was pounding in her chest as the MUA was finishing the makeup.

After we took some test shots of the makeup it was time to do the art nudes.  The shooting room was dark so she said that made her feel a little better.  I explained the first pose and showed her where she would lay on the floor.  She said that the first pose is what set her nerves at ease.  It was a pose where her back would be to the camera, and although she was nude, she wasn’t really showing anything except her “bottom” (which she had said she was proud of).  As I checked the camera connections and made the computer ready, she disrobed and got into the pose we had discussed.  I took several images and then invited her over to take a look.  She put her robe on and came over to the monitor.  This is where she said that her complete attitude changed.  She was still a little uncomfortable being nude, but she said that she realized she was beautiful and that her nude body really looked good.

As we continued to shoot the artistic nudes she said she became much more comfortable with being “naked” and she said that she actually forgot that she was.  I remember her coming over to the monitor nude, forgetting all about her robe.  She told me, on the call, that by then she was “hooked” on the art we were creating and that the nudity was not a problem any longer.

Her advice to anyone considering a nude shoot with me was to “just do it and don’t analyze it.”   “I was a total bundle of nerves and it showed in the first few poses.  But as soon as I relaxed and got out of my head, the photos were amazing.”

This is not an uncommon reaction to the art nude,  boudoir, or glamour nude sessions I do.  Please take a moment to read through the testimonials on my site.  Most clients are nervous, but without exception, my clients have enjoyed their photo shoots and gained more confidence in themselves.  Nothing makes me feel better than when a client gets into the shoot and realizes how beautiful they really are.  I see them walk out of the studio with a whole new attitude and a whole new feeling about themselves.

Please Visit Casual Elegance Photography today and book an appointment to have a completely new experience.

(Photo is a Model, not a client. I don’t use client images because I respect their privacy)  




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Great shoot a few days ago with a client who is over 50. She lit up the lens!!! Boudoir photography is not just for the young and for those with “perfect” bodies. We all bring something special to a shoot. I love to work with the natural beauty each of us has and it’s a great feeling when you capture images that make us all go “wow”!!!! The older I get the more I appreciate the relaxed nature of my clients who trust me to get the images they can love over time. I really like to sit and talk a few minutes before the shoot and talk about “the world.” As the shoot progresses we normally get a chance to laugh and talk about all sorts of things. Many of the clients I have worked with have come back to get more images done.  You know you are doing things right when you get repeat business in field where it’s typically a one time thing.  I Love My Job!!!

Casual Elegance Photography ®


Atlanta Boudoir and Nude Photographer, Casual Elegance Photography

Artistic Nude

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I had a client ask if I did nude portraits. I really never thought about what a nude portrait was until then. She explained that she and her husband wanted a typical portrait done but they wanted to be nude in them. I immediately thought “Art Nudes” but then thought a little more about it. A standard portrait in my opinion would be done with a backdrop and a classic look but this would be your standard couples photo but without the clothing.  Interesting twist! I told her that it was a first for me but if she liked my normal samples on the Casual Elegance Photography site, then we could try it with her idea.  I kind of like the idea and can’t wait to see the results.

If all goes well we can then add “Nude Portraits” to the list of services that Casual Elegance Photography provides.  I’ve specialized in Boudoir, Glamour and Nude photography since 2000.  Each new trend adds to our portfolio of services.   I’m working on the next new trend that started in Europe and has just begun here in the states.   More on it later.


Nude Couples

Couples Artistic Nude – Casual Elegance Photography – Atlanta



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Well I learned something new (yes, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks). I learned that “B-Pics” is the new name for Boudoir Photos. I read it in a forum about brides doing b-pics as the gift for their groom. Okay, this makes perfect sense in today’s “text messaging” world but I had never heard of it before. It’s amazing the number of shortened versions of words and phrases that have come into our lives as we have had to make it easier to text message and Instant Message people. I actually read an article that said that a college student used many of them in an application for employment. 🙂

So, whether or not you call them B Pics, Boudoir Photos, Intimate Images, or something else, Casual Elegance Photography® is the professional studio that can get the images for you. We specialize in Boudoir, Glamour, and Art Nude photography and we are experts at capturing the images you are seeking.

And remember, not only do we do B Pics, we do HS, Comrcl, Mtrnty, and Modl pics 2. 🙂

Casual Elegance Photography ®


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As I was preparing for a shoot last week I started thinking about the different venues of nudes that my clients ask for.  That day was the Glamour Nude day (here is that cycle thing again).  My first shoot was a bride who wants to give her groom a special gift for their wedding.  She brought her wedding dress and accessories and she did a “strip-tease” for the session.  She ended up totally nude for the final shots and will present the album to her husband on their wedding night.

The second shoot was a Glamour Nude session with a woman as a 10th anniversary present for her husband.  After 10 years she said that she “finally got up the courage” to do a shoot for him.  But, she told him that if she does the shoot, then he has to do one for her!

Glamour nudes, artistic nudes, and boudoir are the specialties that I’ve chosen for my business.  It’s an honor to have clients trust me with their very special photos.  I realize that they are probably going to be nervous and I make every effort to see that they relax and enjoy their shoot.  I take this all very seriously and my clients appreciate it.

At Casual Elegance Photography we never get tired of the variety of shoots we do.   From head shots to Maternity to commercial to art and glamour nudes!  Every day it’s something different.

Visit Casual Elegance Photography’s Website and contact us today for your special shoot!


Atlanta Nude Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir and Nude Photography in Atlatna

Artistic Nude

Our most popular Art Nude Pose


Boudoir Photography

Artistic Nude


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Now that you’ve decided to do a boudoir or artistic nude photoshoot, for yourself or someone you love… what’s next?

Boudoir actually means a woman’s bedroom, dressing room or private sitting room.  Your boudoir photography session at Casual Elegance will reflect a sense of intimacy, sexiness, and femininity.  The key to getting your images to look great is comfort, and relaxation!  Nerves will show in the photos every time.  If you read our clients comments you will see that without exception they are comfortable and relaxed in our studio – even if they have been completely naked for artistic nude photographs! And most of them are surprised by this!  We have robes available (and recommend that you bring your own) in the studio for your use before we begin shooting and during set changes. It always surprises me that halfway through the session most women aren’t even bothering with the robes anymore! I am glad that they are that comfortable. It makes the session so much more productive.

Remember, this is new to you, but as the photographer, I have done this hundreds of times. I use digital imaging and shoot directly to the computer – so we can see the results as we shoot. I have never had anyone say that they didn’t enjoy their shoot once the photographs start appearing on the screen! Most say that they cannot believe how beautiful they look, and seeing their images on the screen helps them to relax more.  The feel empowered and sexy when they leave.

There are many things you can do prior to the photoshoot to calm yourself if you need to. Take a relaxing bath, listen to soft music, meditate… just spend some time keeping the nerves at bay.   As I mentioned before, nerves will show.  But if you just relax and look at it as an adventure, you will do well.  Then just come in and let us do the rest.  You will have fun, and get some fantastic images as a bonus!

I welcome questions and I welcome you to come in ahead of the shoot so that you can see the studio and meet with me to discuss the shoot.

Visit Casual Elegance Photography today and start your plans for an exciting shoot!

Atlanta Nude Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir and Nude Photography in Atlatna

Boudoir Photographer in Atlanta

Atlanta’s Preferred Boudoir and Nude Photographer

Artistic Nude

Atlanta Boudoir

Atlanta’s finest in Boudoir and Nude Photography – Casual Elegance Photography


Atlanta’s Finest in Boudoir and Nude Photography – Casual Elegance Photography!

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